Contact Us

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Shipping & Returns

Shipping & Returns

Shipping to the US is a $4 flat rate; $16 (USD) will be added to shipments to Canada; $19 (USD) will be added for all other international shipments. Parcels will be shipped via USPS First Class mail and will be sent out on or about the first of every month.

Unfortunately, we can't accept returns or exchanges.  Each month's parcels are curated and hand prepared especially for our monthly mailings. This does not allow us to take back product.  In the unlikely event that your parcel arrives damaged, please send us an email to and include a description and photo of your damaged package.  We will be happy to rectify these issues.

Row One Yarn is NOT responsible for lost or stolen packages. If your package is missing and has been marked “delivered”, please contact your local post office and follow their protocol.